Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Birth of Daisy Rayne!

Mike took this picture 13 hours before Daisy was born!

My labour began early Friday morning, March 28th at 4am. The night before I was feeling "off", lots of cramping, nausea and just not right. I thought partly that it would be nerves as I was to be induced Friday morning at 8am. This little one was 6 days late and we were ready to meet him/her!

I wasn't sleeping well, lots of butterflies, but at 4am I started to get contractions about 15-20 mins apart. At around 5:15 or so, I woke Mike up telling him I was having pains. By this time they were 10 mins apart and lasting for about 20 to 30 seconds. I decided I better get ready as we might be going to the hospital sooner than expected!

Mike's parents were going to be staying home to watch Ben, and Mom was up and ready to go at 6am... only to find me having contractions in the kitchen, trying to get ready. Mike was frantically eating a bowl of cereal and wishing his coffee was done sooner! Mom was joking that we might be back in time for lunch if things keep going this fast! As soon as he was done, we were ready to head out the door, Ben waving at us like a good boy and making me super emotional. I wasn't even in the truck and I was a blubbering idiot in the driveway missing him already!

The drive to the hospital (10 mins away) was the longest drive of my life. I think I had 3 contractions on the way. Once we got there, we walked to the elevator, only to have it not work as soon as the doors open. Great. I get to take the stairs, stopping to have contractions. There was too big of a line-up of people at the registration desk so I said screw it and we just went up the the maternity ward (taking the stairs again!) and they admitted me right away. They couldn't find my file — they were VERY busy from a rush of deliveries the night before — and put me in an exam room while Mike did the paperwork. Poor guy was running around frantically, but remaining so calm and cool the whole time. They checked me (once they found out who I was and that I was supposed to be induced at 8am!) and I was 5cm. It was just after 7am at this point. Good thing I was in labour on my own because they wouldn't have been able to induce me that day because they were so busy!

A short while later they put me in a delivery room. I was asked about the option of an epidural, and I thought about it. I decided on getting what they referred to as a mini-epidural, so I wasn't completely numb. Turns out the anesthesiologist was in an emergency c-section so I was out of luck. I got my gas though.. thank goodness! Mike put on my CD that Kerry made for me.. better! The contractions were coming so fast and strong, like every 30 seconds, I couldn't believe it. Dr L. came in at about 8:45 and checked me again, my water breaking in the process, and he said I was still about 5cm.

I was in the middle of a contraction (that just seemed to get worse instead of better!) when all of a sudden I was pushing and the rest of my waters gushed! I remember saying that I couldn't help it! My nurse, Helene, checked me and sure enough, her head was there! I couldn't believe it! In my mind I thought I had like an hour of pushing because that is what I had to do with Ben! I heard Mike say that he could see the head, and I was so focused on pushing and getting it out. The cord was around her neck, which Mike got to cut, then one or two more pushes and she was out! After 7 or 8 mins total of pushing, at 9:02am, my little Daisy Rayne was born! It was such an emotional experience. I didn't know if we had a boy or a girl at this point. I asked what it was and Mike told me it was a girl. We both cried and cried and then Daisy was put on my chest. It was wonderful! She was placed in the bed beside me, so I got to see her get checked out & measured while they took care of me. I missed this whole experience with Ben because I hemorrhaged so bad and he was at the other end of the room.

About 20 mins or so after she was born, I got to nurse her. Such a better experience this time around. Fast, but awesome. Mike and I were in shock all day at how fast it all went and that we were both healthy. He has nicknamed me turbo LOL! And Daisy was born to Walnut Tree by Keen! Fab! We decided to stay one night in the hospital, to make sure my bleeding was under control. Mike's mom came to meet her new granddaughter when Ben was napping, then they all came back later in the afternoon. Ben was adorable with her, but I think he was more curious at all the buttons, cords and machines in the room! Cat came by with her two boys and a most delicious Subway sandwich for me! After visiting hours, friends Kerry and Trevor snuck in to meet Daisy.. it was great seeing our friends :D

She is a wonderful little girl. We love you Daisy! xo

Daisy Rayne, born March 28th 2008 at 9:02am

Daisy's Update!

I will be doing all our family posts now at our other blog. Come see more pictures of Daisy!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

She's here!

Daisy Rayne
Born March 28th, 2008 at 9:02 am
8 pounds 10.3 ounces / 21.5 inches

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My final doctor visit!

I had my FINAL doctor appointment this afternoon (late, hence the late post!). Things are good.. baby is great, obviously very comfy + content. I gained 2 pounds and am blaming that on Easter goodies and dinner — and so worth it! In total this whole pregnancy I have gained 25 pounds! Not to bad! That is about 20 pounds less than I did with Ben.

I saw a new doctor today and it was refreshing to talk to someone different. I thought it would be the opposite, but he was great. We discussed the problems I have had with the headaches/seeing spots and why it would be happening. Normally they wouldn't induce (or even think about an induction) until at least a week, unless there were reasons to be concerned. And this is why I brought it up. I was glad he took me seriously and didn't brush it off as "just a minor migraine".

The funniest part is that he compared me to 'a piece of toast that is starting to smoke' — everything is good to a certain point, there is no fire, but don't want to make any possible problems cause stress on the baby, especially during delivery. Not to mention it is obviously cooked! He sent me for some more blood work (which I got done in record time at the hospital!) so that they would have the results faster rather than going to the BC Bio Lab. Oh, and he guesstimated the baby to be "big average", meaning 8+ pounds. We'll see!

So! My good news is that Friday morning at 7:30 I go in for my induction! At the end of the appointment, which lasted WAY longer than any other appointment with my reg. doctor, he asked me if I was okay with that, how I felt, etc, and if I was comfortable with him doing it as I had never seen him before. I glanced at Mike and I think we both thought at the same time "I don't care who does it just get it out!"!

Can't wait to meet this *stubborn* little trixster of a baby!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008

40 weeks..

... and still preggers!

Once again, this little one does not want to come out. It's all too familiar! I feel a bit better knowing that they won't be going to 10 days overdue as I did with Ben, it will most likely be 7 or 8. Every little bit helps!

I really really hope this gets started on it's own though. I am tired. I am big. I am sore and uncomfortable. I want to meet this person!

Come on out baby! We know you are done! My belly button has popped a long time ago!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

39 weeks and 3 days...

And I am still preggers!

I went to the doctor yesterday and things are starting.. little bit by little bit. He did the lovely membrane "sweep" with the chance of it starting something in a day or two. I got cramps later on, and a bit of bloody show, but nothing now. Have never hoped for pain in all my life!

Things are good though. I lost a pound, BP is good, baby's sounds great and is dropping more. Looks so big on the monitor with the wee ultrasound in the office. This baby is COOKED!

Soon I hope. Soon.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Yep. I am still pregnant.

Here are pics of the nursery though! I was waiting for my glider cushions to get recovered (thanks Doug!!) until I did the BIG reveal! So happy with it all.. would be happier if I had a wee one to sit in there with though!

View from the doorway.. the bookshelf in the corner used to be Mikes, made by his father when he was around Ben's age. I gave it a mini-facelift and painted it white.

Artwork I made... a nice chubby wren!

My favourite part — the dresser. This one matches the one I have for Ben (that was mine from when I was born!) that I painted white. If I have a girl, she will get both matching dressers eventually.

And the dresser/changetable combo I rigged up.

There you have it! Now we sit and wait for the baby!

Monday, March 10, 2008

38 weeks... tick tock tick tock tick tock

Week 38: Can you tell if you're carrying a boy or a girl? One hint may come from the size of your baby -- boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls. Babies at week 39 weigh about 6.8 to 7 pounds / 3 to 3.2 kilograms and continue to build the fat stores that will help regulate body temperature after birth. Your little one's organ systems are fully developed and in place, but the lungs will be last to reach maturity. (Even after your baby is born, it may take a few hours before she establishes a normal breathing pattern.)


*sigh* LOL.. I am tired. This pregnancy is a lot harder in some ways, mostly because I have a crazy two year old to take care of! Luckily I have the WONDERFUL help of my amazing mother-in-law now and she is truly amazing. They arrived Saturday and did I mention she is amazing? Such a big help.

I went to the doctors today, with high hopes of begging to be induced. I tried. I figured "What have I got to lose?!". Well, no induction. Yet. The baby has not dropped fully yet, which doesn't mean anything, and everything else was fine. I was concerned about my BP, because of the seeing spots again and whatnot, but he checked it three different times and it's fine. His words: A perfect pregnancy. It's getting all too familiar though. The waiting game with Ben was torture, and I am afraid it is going to happen all over again.

Next appointment (Monday) he is going to check me and do a membrane sweep, with high high hopes of starting something. He said perhaps I won't even see you on Monday, but not sure if it will happen any time soon. We are just planning away though.. going on with life as normal. It's my birthday on Sunday and we hadn't arranged to do anything. Well now I am!

So anxious to meet this little person. As are a lot of other people!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Week 37: Watermelon! Your baby weighs close to 6.5 pounds and may be about 20 inches long from head to toe. Its head is now cradled in your pelvic cavity -- surrounded and protected by your pelvic bones. This position clears some much-needed space for her growing legs and buttocks.

I went for my check-up this morning, and things are getting there. I gained a pound and a half (thought I lost.. my scale lies!) and everything else was fine. Baby is lower, but not fully dropped. At least it is not breach!

My heartburn issues have finally eased up, thanks to the wonderful little pink pill named Zantac. Ahh... relief. Worth every penny.

I have been getting more Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing regular. Most of the pain/discomfort I experience is from when the baby moves and pushes so unbelievably hard it's shocking. Mike and I went to the movies on Saturday night and with every push & kick, all I could think of is I better not go into labour the one night Mike and I get to go on a date (it was our 6th wedding anniversary yesterday!)!

Monday, February 25, 2008

36 weeks (and 2 days!)

Your baby is still gaining weight -- about an ounce/ 28 grams a day. She weighs nearly 6 pounds/ 2.7 kilograms and is 19 inches/ 45 centimetres long from head to toe.

You may begin to feel an increased pressure in your lower abdomen and notice that your baby is gradually dropping. Your lungs and stomach will finally get a chance to stretch out a little — breathing and eating should become easier. However, walking may become increasingly uncomfortable — some women say it feels as if the baby is going to fall out. Also, you may still feel as if you need to go to the loo all the time.

The good news is that by the end of this week, your pregnancy will be full-term and you could give birth any day now. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term -- a baby born before 37 weeks is premature and after 42 is post-term.) At your weekly visit, your doctor or midwife may check to see if you've started dilating (when the cervix opens) and effacing (when the cervix thins). The doctor or midwife will also check what position the baby is in, in order to estimate how far the baby has dropped into the pelvis. This information will be entered into your maternity notes so that your midwife in hospital will know the position of the baby when you go into labour.


Well my Honeydew is in the homestretch! It still moves a TON! Aren't they supposed to be slowing down!? Not this chickpea. No siree.

Walking is getting more and more difficult. Picking up Ben is getting more and more difficult. Bending over is getting more and more difficult. Mike snickered at me last night as I had to bend down to pick something up.. spread the legs, brace myself on counter/hand on knee, deep breath and PLUNGE! Back up. Breathe. Ugh.

Before bed last night I packed my bag (as much as I can right now). I should be getting the new diaper bag today that I ordered and then I can get baby's things ready. The clothes are in the dresser, others are hung up and the closet cleaned out. Just need to hang the blind/curtains in there and a few minor things. Vacuum and mop one more time. And I get my hair done on Thursday evening.. must make it to that before the little one arrives!! Very important!

I am thinking of getting the cradle out soon and putting it in our bedroom, getting Ben prepared mostly!

Friday night I ended up having to go to the hospital quickly to get checked out. While having a snack with Ben, I started to not be able to focus on the newspaper I was reading, and seeing spots. Then a headache started. I called Mike and he was on his way home (as fast as he could in rush hour!). Called the clinic and the doctor there said to go get checked out.. I knew it could be a sign of high blood pressure (which I have never had) and possibly pre-eclampsia. But all is well, they said to go back in if it happens again. I had the same lovely nurse (Comfort!) so that was nice. I hope I have her for the BIG EVENT! She thinks it's a girl, too :D

Here is a peek at the cabinet we put up above the change table, and my belly shot from last night — complete with dramatic lighting!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I guess it is bound to happen..

I went to the store last night (Shoppers Drug Mart to be exact!) and while looking at the baby aisle, stocking up on last minute items for the baby's room and diaper bag, a store employee asked me if I needed help finding anything. "Nope! Just looking right now!" She then gave me the oh-my-look-at-that-belly look as she glanced downwards and said "Well you must be due any day now!"

Nope. 4 more weeks.

LOL.. I think she felt better when I told her it was my second. She then asked me if we knew what we were having. Nope. It won't show the goods. "Oh it's a girl then!"

We'll see!

Monday, February 18, 2008

35 weeks! And 33 days to go!

Your baby now weighs about 5.25 pounds/ 2.4 kilograms and measures approximately 18 inches/ 45 cm from head to toe. His elbow, foot or head may protrude from your stomach when he stretches and squirms about. Soon, as the wall of your uterus and your abdomen stretch thinner and let in more light, your baby will begin to develop daily activity cycles.

This week, your little one is now sporting fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. His liver can also process some waste products.

There's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in your uterus, which has expanded to a thousand times its original size. You've probably put on between 25 and 30 pounds/ 11 and 13.6 kilograms and your weight gain has hit its peak. Even your belly button has got bigger and has popped outward. You may be feeling breathless now that the top of your uterus is up under your ribs. Try getting down on all fours to take deeper breaths. Although the pressure on your bladder will make the bathroom your second home, don't drink any less water — your baby needs the fluids. But you may like to cut down on diuretic drinks like tea and coffee, which will make you have to urinate even more often.

Less than 5 weeks to go... 33 days until the official due date, but it feels right around the corner! I am feeling very anxious and excited to meet this little person! I want to know who you are!

My doctors appointment this morning went well, am having to walk slower, getting some pains/cramps occasionally. I lost a pound in the past two weeks.. hurrah! Totally thought I would have gained. The baby is looking great though. Not fully dropped, but head is down and not breach! On the ultrasound we could see the baby sucking it's thumb and swallowing. So cute! I go back in two weeks and he will check me then, unless something happens sooner!

And soon I will be able to post pictures of the nursery! Trying to get it more complete before the big reveal :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

34 weeks!

Week 34: Your baby now weighs more than 4.7 pounds / 2.2 kilograms and is 18 inches / over 45 centimetres from top to toe. She's filling out and getting rounder -- she'll need her fat layers later to regulate her body temperature.

Less than six weeks until my due date! 41 days! I am finally starting to feel more relaxed about everything, mostly because we have finished painting the nursery! WOOT! It looks WONDERFUL. I am so in love with that room, the nice painted furniture.. everything! It was a very busy week though. Ben was at Mom and Dad's, so we had to get a lot done (and it was way more work than anticipated). I kept having to tell myself though that the end result would be soooooo worth it. And it is!

Last night we put the crib in there (with Ben's help!) and I puttered around, hanging up clothes and what not. Not ready to post any pictures yet though.. waiting until I get the blind/curtains hung, some artwork and whatnot, and finish it a bit more. Soon! And soon we will have a wee one in there!

Baby is still moving around so much, making my whole belly move and dance! It responds to my touch, and to Mike & Ben. It's also been getting hiccups more and more.. that feels so funny. Just in the last couple days I have felt a bit of Braxton Hicks, but very very minor. It's starting to drop, but not fully "engaged" yet! Just the stong movements and kicks/pushes I get take my breath away!

Friday afternoon/evening I met up with Kerry and we drove down to Bellingham to do some shopping. It was awesome. Bought some really cute gender neutral clothes (and some girly of course — I can hope!) at GREAT prices. It was baby week everywhere we went! I love sales on kids clothes.. Still have a few more things to get, but the list is getting shorter!

Don't forget to submit your guesses on the baby's arrival!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Doctor's Update...

Back from the doctor's visit.. all is well! Have gained a couple more pounds, which brings the total to 20 pounds exactly so far. I am happy with that! Much less than I gained with Ben.

Heart rate was about 140, BP perfect and baby looking all snug! Mom was pretty tickled to hear it/see it :D Doctor's prediction is a baby bigger than Ben (didn't say how much bigger!), just because I am producing more insulin, but not diabetic. I just have to watch what I eat, because the more I gain, the bigger the baby gets. Which is hard because I feel hungry most of the time.. like now. Breakfast part deux?!

Now we start the every 2 week appointments! Time is ticking by...

33 weeks, 2 days

Week 33: Honeydew! Average size: 43.7cm/17.2in long from top to toe. Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

Well here I am! 33 weeks, 47 days until my due date!! Things are going pretty smoothly though.. sleeping is getting trickier. I am able to still sleep through the night without having to go pee (unless Ben wakes up — then I must go!) but it's the rolling over that is difficult. Hips are sure feeling it. Using my body pillow helps, but I find it then gets tossed aside once I am asleep, and then Mike has even less room in the bed! He so lovingly named it Glen. I have NO idea why. Why couldn't it be.. Jude? Hugh? Clive?!?

And here are the recent belly shots from Friday/Saturday. I some strange expression on my face in the bottom one, so you literally get a belly shot. Nice and round, non!? Love it.

The nursery is coming along! I finished the dresser this weekend (Looks LOVELY in a fresh clean coat of 'Pot of Cream'.. mmm!) and got the change pad attached to the other little chest for a change station. Ben is going to his grandparents this week, and it's our time to finish the room!! Mike has a bunch of work to do on the ceiling (pushing in a few nails that are showing their ugly faces, patching, sanding and painting) and the mouldings need patching, sanding, caulking and painting, too. By far the biggest pet peeve of the house since we bought it is how unfinished it was left for so long. Why people?!? At least the end result looks that much better!

Baby is still moving a ton.. big, hard, very noticeable movements! Sometimes I swear it feels like it's trying to poke through the skin. Lots of pressure. She/He is a mover! I go to my 33 week appointment this morning (and my mom-in-law is coming!) so we'll see how much it's grown, if it's in position, etc. Sure feels like it. Get twinges down low every so often.. no braxton hicks yet, but I am sure they will be coming. I also get to discuss the results from my 3hour test with Dr. H.

Got my newborn girl outfit, and will get a boy one on Friday at Target for the coming home outfit! Mom and I went shopping yesterday and there were SO many cute girls clothes, it was very hard to control myself. So instead I looked like the weirdo lecturing my belly "If you just told us what you are, D, then see how many pretty clothes and toys you could have?!"! Just means for more shopping when the day arrives!!

Oh! And I added an Online Baby Pool feature to the sidebar (the ugly graphic!).. Take a guess!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

32 weeks

By now, your baby is just shy of 4 pounds and is nearly 17 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb.

8 months today! I seem to be getting bigger and bigger every day (Mike reminds me!), and the baby is still very active, which usually seems to take my breath away.. literally!

I am sleeping pretty good, minus Ben waking in the night. Not sure what is up with that.. used to be such a great sleeper. If he doesn't wake, I tend to be able to sleep through the night and not have to get up to pee.

The little things are getting harder to do, like putting on my socks/shoes (and Ben's!), bending over to pick stuff up, etc. Not too much longer to go though, so I will grin and bear it. It actually makes me giggle when I have problems doing these basic tasks..

I splurged and ordered a sling today for when baby arrives. It was 30% off, and I have wanted one for quite a while. They are great quality (Cathy has one!), made locally and are so gorgeous — and the company is appropriately named Gorgeous Baby! I think this pattern is perfect for Spring/Summer, and neither too girly or boy-ish. Reversible to a lovely cocoa brown, too. And the colours match the nursery to boot!

Speaking of.. the nursery is starting to come together. I have prepped, sanded and primed the dresser. Once that is out of the way I will feel much better. I am so anxious to see it all finished — or at least the colour on the walls!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

2 months!

Today marks 2 months until my due date.. 60 days. 60! Could be 45, could be 70. Who knows.. either way, it is sure approaching really fast! On Saturday I will be 32 weeks, 8 months!


Saturday, January 19, 2008

31 weeks!

Week 31: Your baby's arms, legs and body continue to fill out -- and they are finally proportional in size to her head. She weighs about 3.3 pounds/1.5 kilograms and looks more like a newborn. She measures about 16 inches/ 41 centimetres from crown to toe.

You may notice your baby isn't moving around as much. Don't worry; she's just running out of space in your uterus. As long as you can feel her squirming, you'll know she's just fine. Believe it or not, she still has plenty of growing to do. You can expect her to gain at least two more pounds/900 grams before delivery.

Your baby's organs are continuing to mature and she is passing water from her bladder: good practice for the urinating she'll do after she's born. Soon you can wonder what your baby is wishing for -- brain scans have shown that fetuses have periods of dream sleep around month eight.

You've probably gained three to four pounds / 1.3 to 1.8 kilograms this month. Gaining a pound/450 grams a week is quite normal during the last trimester as your baby has a final growth spurt before birth.

63 days to go!!

This past week has been quite difficult as I have yet another cold. It seems as soon as Ben gets the start of a cold, I get it. Full force. The coughing at night is wearing on me.. and Ben hasn't been sleeping through the night for a while so that is extra tiring. I REALLY hope that changes when the baby comes. Oy vey.

I am enjoying being pregnant though. Brings back a lot of wonderful memories with Ben. I smile when it moves and kicks, I don't think that ever gets old. When my whole belly moves, it still makes me laugh!

But with these good warm happy fuzzy feelings also bring a lot of nerves. I am scared of how Ben is going to react initially. Obviously he will have to get used to the baby, but I am trying to prepare myself that it might not be "love at first sight" for him! I worry that there will be so much jealousy from him that it will break my heart. Being a stay at home mom of two also scares the socks off of me. With no vehicle. It will be interesting!

One feeling sure takes front and centre over everything else though.. I am so excited to meet this baby!! Who is it? Boy? Girl? C or D?!?

Monday, January 14, 2008

30 week check-up

This morning was my 30 week check-up.. got to sleep in, too. Ahhh. Ben is sick with a cold, so Mike was staying home to take care of him so I could go to my appointment and still work. With my maternity leave quickly approaching, and only working 2 days a week on my payroll job, I gots lots to do!

Everything is a-ok though. I gained 3 pounds, BP fine, good pee, measuring right on track. The heart rate has dropped (due to its growing size) from 150 to 132. Nice and consistent though. It even gave a nice big kick when he was counting LOL! When I got to see the baby on the TV via ultrasound, it looked huge! Sure has grown in four weeks! It's turned into position more, not breach, but it's early to say if it will stay that way until d-day. It was curved slightly so it will probably do more flips and flops until then!

I have given up on finding the sex. It clearly doesn't want to share it! And now that it's even bigger, it's harder to see as it's curled up more. I told Mike I just need to respect it's wishes LOL! It's not that far away, and now I am looking forward to having that wonderful surprise of announcing boy or girl! Only until recently have I started to hear the names we have picked out, and it makes me smile wondering who this little one is :D

I go back in 4 weeks, and then after that it's every 2!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Nursery!

Things are FINALLY starting to come together with the nursery. Before Christmas, we were hard at work to get it cleared out, and Mike did a great job sorting and putting a bunch of un-needed stuff (larger stuff for when the baby gets older) into the crawlspace.

Last weekend I went through Ben's old clothes and separated all the gender-neutral stuff. Just need to wash it and put it away!

I got the paint this morning.. a wonderful light fresh minty-seafoam green call Spirea. Relaxing and cozy.. I love it :D

The armchair and ottoman (Thank K & T!) is currently getting a new slipcover made out of creamy white chenille. So soft! I have the dresser, have the paint, just gotta paint it! I think I will start on that next weekend. Mike has cleared out space in the shop so I might get him to move it out there, start a fire in the stove so it's not freezing and paint away! Want it to be able to cure for a while so it's good and durable. That will be painted a creamy white like Ben's dresser, called Pot of Cream.

The fabrics.. my favourite part! I am making a pillow for the chair (and perhaps something else) out of this awesome striped fabric:

Then perhaps a valance or detail of some sort for the drapes/curtains out of this cool cottonwood branch fabric. This area always stumps me. We have a blackout roller blind already for in there, and some white drapes that tie at the top. Want a bit more colour there though. I am trying to think of a way of using a painted piece of wood/branch as the actual curtain rod, similar to what I saw in a magazine once. I already have the perfect branches from the summer when our hazelnut trees got trimmed! Can't find a pic online, so you'll have to wait and see.

And this is the funky fabric I am going to make some artwork with.. I'll leave it at that :)

Will post pics of the room as it progresses more...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

30 weeks

Your baby's lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. While your baby may soon slow up growing in length, (he measures about 15.7 inches/ 40 centimetres from crown to toe by now), he will continue to gain weight until he's born.

fetal development at 30 weeksThis week your baby continues to open and shut his eyes. He can probably see what's going on in utero, distinguish light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, your baby may move his head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow. Some researchers think baring your stomach to light stimulates visual development. But don't expect 20/20 vision when your baby is born -- newborns can see a distance of only about 8 to 12 inches/ 20 to 30 centimetres. (Children with normal vision don't reach 20/20 vision until about age 7 to 9.) To complete the picture, your baby now has eyebrows and eyelashes.

A pint and a half/around a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds your baby but that volume decreases as he gets bigger and has less room in your uterus. As you and the baby continue to grow, don't be alarmed if you feel breathless, as if you can't get enough air; it's just your uterus pressing against your diaphragm. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though. At about 34 weeks (or just before delivery, if this is your second or third pregnancy), your baby's head will move down into your pelvis as the baby gets into the right position for birth. That will make breathing and eating a lot easier.

This morning I went to do my blasted 3 hour GD test at the lab in town. What TORTURE! It's not bad enough they make you fast for 10 hours but then they keep you in a boring dull lab for 3 hours, and give 4 vials of blood all the while. Zzzzzz. I got a lot read in my book (fab!) but I was ready to come home. Then I remembered that I haven't gotten my Rhogam shot yet. I have to get that done at the hospital, so I got the great idea that I would go do that after words, while I had the truck and the time to do it. Plus my next doctor appointment is Monday and I wanted to say that I did everything! I finished at the lab — hurrah! — and left totally looking forward to my granola bar in the truck. Which I sadly forgot at home :( Thank goodness for the applejuice they gave me though..

I did get it all done though. And I am sick of labs and needles and blood and needles and labs. Fingers crossed for good results. We had a good evening though... I made a yummy turkey stew with biscuits for my friends and their twins. My feet are tired though. My body is tired. Time to go relax and head to bed early. I say that every night..

Friday, January 11, 2008

A strange encounter..

Yesterday morning, after dropping Ben off at daycare, I walked to the grocery store on the way home and stopped for a coffee (and to use the bathroom facilities!). I ordered, went over to the bar to wait for my yummy latté and there was a lady standing there that smiled. I smiled back!

She then said to me "No baby yet!?". Um, no! I know I look really pregnant when I wear my rain coat, because I can hardly zip it up and it's all snug. I said that I actually have about 10 weeks left. "10 weeks!? Wow!". Yes, that is what I like to hear. She is now staring at my belly. STARING. "I guess you are going to have one big baby!". LOL..

Let it be known that I have NO IDEA who this lady was. NO idea. I really really think she thought I was someone else. I have never seen her around, I don't go to that Starbucks that often to be a "regular" or anything.

The conversation then moved onto how much weight she gained with her pregnancies, yadda yadda yadda. People say the strangest things when you are pregnant. It's like no holds barred. Why don't you come right out and tell me how many stitches you got? Did ya poop on the table?!

Oh well. It made me laugh. And scratch my head.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

29 week update...

Weeks 29 to 32, month 7: Squash. Average size — 38.6 to 42.4 cm / 1153 to 1702 grams. Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though — as you’ve also probably noticed — they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Third trimester! Month 7! And we have upgraded to a squash! I know I say this all the time, but I can't believe how fast time is flying.

The baby moves all the time. ALL the time. I seriously doubt that it sleeps sometimes! I can get Mike to feel it move nearly all the time, to the point that it is "old" news! It's still exciting to me though. But it kicks so hard and rolls around so much still that it takes my breath away.. literally!

I haven't gone for my 3 hour GD test, as I got sick with another cold. Saturday morning. Gotta just get it done. I am also going to ask for another ultrasound, find out how the baby is growing. More for peace of mind that anything, with the last couple scares I had. At this point I could care less about the gender — neutral nursery is already underway!

What else is new.. not much. I feel good, trying to keep the weight off as much as possible. Glad that the holidays are over and can get back to my walks and such. I think I did too much yesterday though and I was extra tired and sore. My feet were starting to swell, the first time this pregnancy, so I knew it was a sign to slow down. Have a shower, read and go to bed. That helped.. feel much better today!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This is the year!

As Cathy so lovingly put it – this is the year I will have my second baby! In 81 days (give or take!) I am going to be a momma of TWO!

Time is flying by.. oy vey!