Saturday, December 29, 2007

28 weeks!

Week 28: By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

My little eggplant has grown into a Chinese cabbage, soon a nice plump squash! This little one sure is active, rolling about quite often now and responding to touch/pressure. This morning I was talking to my mother-in-law on the phone, who just left on Thursday from Christmas, and the baby starting kicking. Might have been a fluke, but I think she knew who was on the phone :D She even felt major movements on Christmas day.. very special!

And yes. I still think this is a girl!

I got positive results for Group B Strep, as I did with Ben, so no shock there. I haven't gone for my three hour Glucose test yet, but will go soon. Ben has been sick with a cold, and therefore none of us have been sleeping the greatest. Plus with the holidays just wrapping up, there were perhaps a few too many treats ;) Time to get back on track! Or at least after New Year's!! I also have to get my Rhogam shot in the butt.

It feels crazy that I am now in my third and final trimester. Soon my dr appointments will be bi-weekly, and then weekly. I am feeling pretty good, getting that "big" feeling, but at the same time loving the belly. It doesn't last forever.. gotta enjoy it while it lasts! Other than getting up with Ben periodically, I have been sleeping pretty good, not getting up to go pee much. That will change soon though! My wonderful hubby gave me a heavenly foot rub last night, too, which was divine. Wish I could have that every evening!!

Nursery wise, things are coming along. I have most of the plans complete at least! I have an idea for paint, the light fixture, fabric to re-do the armchair/ottoman (thanks K & T!).. just gotta get it done! I would LOVE to get most of it done this month, and have February to get last minute things, stock-up on things and get the bags ready. Who knows if this one is going to be late like Ben! Easter weekend (the due date) would be lovely though!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Belly shot!

Here I am on Saturday (post scare.. hence the tired, tired eyes from crying.. oy) at 27 weeks :D

Happy that my wee one is okay! Gotta love stretch marks...

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

27 weeks and 1 day :)

Week 27: This week your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14.4 inches long with his legs extended. He can now open and close his eyes, and he sleeps and wakes at regular intervals. He may suck his fingers, and although his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with assistance — if he were to be born prematurely. Chalk up any rhythmic movement you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and isn't bothersome to him, so enjoy the tickle. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. Wonder what he's thinking?

Well it's been an interesting week! With being busy with last minute Christmas preparations and whatnot, we have sure been busy. Company is here now for the week, and we are looking forward to Christmas morning with Ben!

Last night I had a horrible scare. We were doing our bedtime routine with Ben (bath, stories, etc) and I had gone pee. Then like 30 mins later I had to go again — not that out of the ordinary! Well, I then noticed that I had been bled all over in less than an hour without even knowing.. I had been wearing a pantiliner and it was soaked. Dark red blood. I tired to breathe, not panic and went upstairs. I told Mike as calmly as I could, went and cleaned up and think about what to do first. I was having no pains, cramps, etc so I was shocked. Mike was then on Ben duty as I called my doctors office for the on-call physician.. no answer (paged) but was too nervous to sit and wait. I called the BC Nurseline and they advised to go to the hospital right away (not 911).

So, seeing as Ben wasn't going to sleep, Mike bundled him up and drove me to the hospital. I was too nervous to drive anyways and didn't know what was going on, nor how long I would be there. He dropped me off (wishing I could have him there for support) and I got checked in right away, sent up to the Maternity ward and given a bed pronto. Having never been to this hospital, I was so pleased with how well I was treated.

I had a wonderful nurse, I think she was Trinidadian (had a slight similar accent at least) named Comfort. She was so nice and, well, comforting! The doctor there was the on-call physician at my Maternity Clinic, and he came in right away. I gave a pee sample, and got changed, hooked up to a monitor to check the baby. I had bled a bit more, and the nurse saw that on the pad I was wearing. Comfort put the monitor on my belly to get the heartbeat and as soon as I laid on the bed, the baby started to move. I think that is what I was most nervous about was that I hadn't felt the baby move in a while, but was trying to tell myself that it was sleeping, as it usually doesn't start getting active until the evening. Sure enough, that was the case. It even kicked the little round monitor so hard, I had to help hold it while she strapped the velcro on LOL! Go baby go!

The doctor checked me, asked me more questions, BP fine, no fever, but blood in my urine. The the horrible physical exam.. ugh. My cervix was closed, and no blood from the exam. Phew. But why was I bleeding so bad earlier? The took a sample, and had determined it to be a bladder infection. Waiting for the results.. probably won't get them until Thursday. In the mean time I am on medicine, which I also have to keep an eye on as it is in the Penicillin family, which I am allergic to. I am just baffled though as I have no symptoms of a BI. *shrug*.

All in all I was out of there in like an hour, called a taxi and went home. Got a big hug from Mike, called his mom to let her know all was well (he had called her earlier to find out his blood type.. I couldn't remember at the time the doctor asked me as they were going to do my Rhogam shot then, but decided to delay it until next week) then I drove to the drugstore to get my prescription filled. Late night.

I feel fine now, no more bleeding, but I tell you I was sure terrified.

Picture to post tomorrow once I get it off of the camera :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

26 week doctor appointment

So my appointment was yesterday, and all is well. I gained 2 pounds in 4 weeks (can you tell my appetite is back?! Hello Christmas goodies!), BP good, pee good this time. The baby's heartrate was regular — the standard 150 it's been — and I am measuring right on track.

But. And there is always a but. The baby was in a breach position so once again it was impossible to determine the gender. It's butt was waaaayyyy down in my pelvis, couldn't even get a peek! Dr. H of course thinks it is funny, because every time we go to peek the baby is not not NOT allowing it! And I want to know!! So much for my Christmas wish! LOL! It's okay that the baby is breach right now, as it has lots of time to move (or be moved!). Fingers crossed.

And another but. But this time a butt. I swear this is a girl because I am getting a butt.

I got to go in 2 weeks to get my Rhogam shot. In my big butt. Then go back on January 14th for the routine check-up. I will be 30 weeks. 30 weeks!! Holy doodles.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

26 weeks

Week 26: Your baby's becoming more sensitive to sound as the network of nerves in her ears develops. If dad talks to her now, she might learn to recognize his voice. The more she hears it, the more likely she is to find it soothing after she's born. If he feels strange just talking to the baby, he can read the newspaper or a book out loud.

Time is flying by! I can't believe that I am 26 weeks already. I am feeling good, cold is finally going away. Slept great last night (was not coughing up a storm!) due to lack of stress now — I passed my road test! This is huge in my life! I have struggled for a long time with getting the courage to drive and now I am one step closer to having my license! Unfortunately I am stuck in that Graduated Licensing Program, so now I have to display a green "N" (for Novice) sign for a couple years, then do another road test, but that is fine by me! I was so nervous yesterday morning before the test, I thought I was going to throw up. I was snapping at Mike, trying to take big breaths and r-e-l-a-x. Easier said than done. Even threw a bit of a wobbly in the parkade before heading up. But it's done!!

No more dizzy spells or seeing spots, etc. Thank goodness. I feel that everything is okay though and it was due to stress, being sick with a cold and just got over a brutal flu (that made every part of me hurt & ache!). I go back to the doctors on Monday, and hope to talk to him about the three hours GTT test. Maybe if the levels weren't too high for my one hour test I could just repeat that? One can hope! Either way I am waiting to do it until after Christmas. Easier that way. And hopefully I can get a sneak peek of the gender on the ultrasound! He said that there was a very good chance of being able to see the sex this time..

I have gained back a couple of the 5 pounds I lost with the flu. I feel it is all going to my bum this pregnancy! Cathy says that is a sure sign of a girl! LOL! After 5 girls in a row I think she knows a thing or two ;) Mike is nice and says no, not that I care anyways. I am making a baby afterall! This is a big job!

Next week I enter my third trimester. My GOODNESS!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


So I got a call from my Maternity Clinic this afternoon. I knew it was going to be about my test results.. turns out the results from me GD were a bit high so they would like me to do the three hour test. NOOOO! That really sucks.

I never had to do this with Ben, so I am hoping that all is well. It's just not fun to have to do. I have to take time out of my work day ($) to get it done, not to mention the fasting. Oh the fasting! So I will take my iPod, a book, magazine and my book to review as Friday morning is my Road Test. Another thing to worry about.

Just please don't snow!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

25 weeks

Week 25: Eggplant! Average size — 34.6 to 37.6 cm, 660 to 1005 grams. Let your spouse put an ear to your belly — he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

15 weeks to go!!

Besides having the flu this past week, and now having a cold, not much is new! 7:20am this morning I went to the BC BioLab to do my blood work and the Gestational Diabetes 1 hour test. Dr. C said that if there is anything wrong (BI or otherwise) they would call me. And for my next appt on the 17th I have to go get my Rhogam shot in the butt. Woot!

My body is sure getting tired already, my hips mainly. They aren't as sore as when I was really sick (oh the body aches!!!) but I can sure tell I am pregnant!

I have noticed that in the last couple weeks, that when I have Ben sitting on my lap, the baby really starts to kick. It makes me smile :D

Friday, December 7, 2007

A bit of a scare...

Yesterday, while I was working, I started to experience a bit of blurred vision and then started to see spots. I tried to see if it would pass but after a while it got a bit worse. I called my friend Cathy to ask her if this ever happened to her, because the day before I had a dizzy spell on my walk home from daycare. We both agreed that it would be best for me to call my doctor and see what they said. I left a message, and did some research as I new that this could be a sign of high blood pressure or pre-eclampsia. I knew it wasn't the latter as I would have other symptoms.

My doctors office called me back right away and they said I should get in right away to be sure everything was alright. I then had to call Mike, but where he was working on site was a bad service range and had no reception. Darn it! So I had to call his foreman and leave the message for him to call home right away. I hate leaving messages like that! So he did and I said I needed him to come home so I could go to the doctors.

BP was fine, but my urine had some blood and whiteblood cells in it. So they suspect that I might be getting a bladder infection, which left untreated can cause kidney problems. This doesn't explain the spots or vision problems, but if it happens again I have call them right away. I have to go get some bloodwork done tomorrow morning though, and do my diabetes screen at the same time. Joy! Fasting from 8pm tonight! No snack before bed! Luckily the lab opens at 7am so I will be there as soon as I can! Now that we are over the flu, I like food again! Don't leave a pregnant woman hungry!!

So I go back as scheduled on the 17th to see my own doctor, and if anything is abnormal with my results they will contact me. Keep you posted!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

24 weeks

Week 24: Your baby's growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week, when she was just over a pound. Since she's almost a foot long (picture an ear of corn), that makes a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll soon put on more baby fat. Your baby's skin is thin, translucent, and wrinkled, her brain is growing rapidly, and her taste buds are developing. Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" and cells that produce surfactant, a substance **that helps the air sacs inflate easily.

6 months! I am feeling great for the most part.. only complaint is the pains I get in my hip, and the tiredness. It is all manageable! At this point with Ben, I had major heartburn all the time, and swollen feet (thanks to the warm weather!). Now I think I am going to have a hard time trying to keep my belly covered as I outgrow my winter coat! Ben has his first stomach flu right now, and I hoping the vomiting stops, as it sure triggers my gag reflex! Ick! He was at his grandparents for the past 4 days, and I think the baby sure noticed when he was home!! He was sitting on my lap, we were chatting, and the movements were incredible! A great feeling!

If all goes well I will get another belly pic soon.. it grows more and more each day!