Saturday, October 27, 2007

19 weeks!

Week 19: Mango. Average fetus — 15.3 cm, 240 grams. Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Almost halfway there! I read earlier today that the baby's teeth are starting to form in their gums. How crazy is that?!?

I am back at my tired stage.. ugh. Baby must be growing more because I am really starting to feel sluggish. There are definite movements now, starting to feel them more often, usually when I am going to bed! It's getting harder to fall asleep now, trying to get comfortable. Body pillow is now needed!

We are getting really excited for our upcoming ultrasound, so are our friends and family. I spoke with my Grandma this morning on the phone (her 72nd birthday!) and she can't wait to find out what we are having. She too is thinking pink!

Ben is starting to "learn" that there is a baby in my tummy. At least that is what we like to think! Now when I ask him where the baby is, he lifts up his own shirt and says "baby!" It's adorable. When I tell him that there is one growing in my tummy, he HAS to lift up my shirt and look. Yesterday he even gave kisses — which tickled! Such a funny little monster..

Friday, October 26, 2007

Pregger brain

It is a terrible thing! I can't even count how many stupid things I did when I was pregnant with Ben, not to mention how forgetful I was at times. It is boggling! I like to think that I am normally not a forgetful person, so when this happens, I feel even more like an idiot!

I thought I would start to keep track of my "instances" of pregger brain.

- A couple weeks ago I went to work (I usually go into the office one day a week) and I forgot my power cable. Yes, for my Mac Book. Which means the battery wouldn't last all day and the boss' husband had to bring his in so I could continue working. Doh!

- I was making Mike's coffee for him the night before a work day, and getting his lunch together. Trying to be a good wifey. Well, the next afternoon Mike thanks me for doing all that, and says that the coffee usually tastes better when you put WATER into it! Ohmigod. I thought he was going to tell me that I killed the coffee maker. Thank goodness I didn't.

Those are just a couple that stand out the most right now, (I am sure I will think of more!) this early in the morning, but forgetfulness is a regular occurrence. I forget things to take to daycare for Ben (like the cheque to pay her, or miss a day to pay her for).

Thankfully, I know I am not the only one! And when I have a REALLY awesome day, like at work, I can joke that I have the help of an extra brain :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Another check-up

And everything was a-ok! BP good, pee was good, gained 4 pounds but I think that brings my total to about 11 or 12 pounds so far.

The heart rate was about 150 again. Sounds so fast! We were curious to see what would be visible on the office's ultrasound machine, if the doctor could guess on the gender! But as soon as the baby was on the screen, we both laughed and saw that it would be impossible! The wee one was in a much different position from last week. Instead of a nice side profile, it was like looking with a birds eye view! The head was tucked in, knees to it's chin and legs crossed. I could even see all of the toes! Amazing :) I am now even more excited to see what it will look like at the BIG ultrasound!

I asked the doctor if they got my records from my previous doctor, regarding my pregnancy/birthing of Ben. I was curious to see what it said about the bleeding problems I had as it was never explained to me. Dr. H says that it was most likely due to the labour happening so fast that my cervix didn't have enough time to "prepare". Hopefully it doesn't happen again (the bleeding!) but at least they know about it.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

18 weeks!

Week 18: Sweet Potato. Average fetus — 14.2 cm, 190 grams. Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

I have DEFINITELY been feeling flutters, especially the last few days. Such a neat thing, and knowing that they are just going to get stronger is very exciting. Well, except for when the baby is kicking into my ribs or bouncing on my bladder! I just love that it is compared to a sweet potato.. so cute. Reminds me of Toy Story when Mrs. Potato head calls Mr. Potato her little sweet potato!

As I grow bigger, I can feel the waddle coming on, more so after a long day, or when I am walking home from taking Ben to daycare. My rain coat is snug, and it sure shows I have a pregger belly! Gonna have to come up with a solution for that, one that doesn't involve a poncho!

And I will try once again to get a decent picture taken of me! Maybe Cathy can take one this weekend if we go for a visit :D

Monday, October 15, 2007

17 weeks and 2 days!

Week 17: Average fetus — 13 cm, 140 grams. Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

A few days late on my blog updating — we went to the Island this weekend and didn't have time to post before we left!

Things are moving along so fast, and I can't believe that in a few short weeks, I will be halfway there! And the ultrasound is approaching so quickly..

Last night I had my first baby dream. It was craziness.. I was giving birth, and it happened so fast, and out came this gorgeous chubby girl with dark hair. And I instantly named her what we have picked out for a girl. I was sobbing and happy and it was wonderful! Then Ben came into the room, threw Teddy at me and climbed into my bed. Lovely. Oh well, it was a nice dream while it lasted! Let's hope it means something! PINK PINK PINK!

Which brings me to another subject.. names. I have had two names picked out for quite some time, probably over a year, and Mike and I have discussed them. He likes them, I LOVE them. I wish I could use them both! But when people ask me if I have names, I struggle with the fact of "Should I tell them or not?" and then I do, and I get sometimes horrible reactions! And these aren't strangers I am telling, either. It honestly hurts when they can't just zip up their big fat gobs and keep their opinions to themselves. And some of these faces/reactions have been from family members. They aren't horrible names! They aren't opening doors for years of teasing (well at least I don't think so!) and they aren't something I just thought of last week. So I have come to the conclusion that I either won't tell people at all, or at least until we know what we are having and then we can "name" him/her and if I DO tell people there will be a disclaimer: I have had these names set aside for quite sometime. I really like them. They have sentimental reason's to them also. Sorry if this sounds rude, but I don't care what people think about them because I love them. And yes, Mike likes them too."

And then I will stick out my tongue at them. Well, kidding about that, but sometimes I seriously want to.

So, until I know if it is a miss or a mister, all you out there that know our names, keep it hush until I say. Thanks ;D

Saturday, October 6, 2007

16 weeks!

Week 16: Avocado. Average fetus — 11.6 cm, 100 grams. Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

Well here I am — 4 months! Seems like not that long ago I found out (before 5 weeks!). Time has really flown by. Now the wait is on for the big ultrasound on November 9th. Cannot wait! Starting to get the furniture for the nursery (a dresser, and a dresser that is going to be used as a change table). Just got to get it cleared out of the junk to make it less of a storage room!

I can't wait to be able to feel the baby move, and have Mike feel him/her. EEks!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Belly shot..

So my lovely hubbie was instructed to take a photo of me, but a) didn't tell me when he was actually taking it and b) refused to take another when I saw how BAD it looked.

As Kerry put it, "The face just makes me laugh, you could be wearing one of those english guard outfits with the big black hats...LOL." So, you all get the doctored photo — but at least you get to see the belly!

Saturday I am 4 months and will update again then.. perhaps Mike will take a better pic :D