Friday, August 31, 2007

11 weeks!

Week 11: Lime. Average fetus — 4.1 cm, 7 grams. Your fetus currently enjoys a 1:1 ratio between body and head, and has skin so transparent that blood vessels show right through. But, fingers and toes are no longer webbed, and hair follicles, tooth buds and nail beds are forming - setting up a significantly more attractive future.

It's now a lime!! And this baby is making it's presence known — my waistline is growing and I am already having to wear my maternity clothing. Sure is comfy :D

I had my other doctor visit today.. the dreaded physical *shudder*. It wasn't that bad, but they are never GOOD! But it's not like they can do that much poking around, gentle gentle!! Was kind of disappointed that I didn't get a chance to hear the heartbeat, as the doctor said my cervix is tilted. Strange.. I don't remember being told this at all with my pregnancy with Ben, but then again not every pregnancy is alike! But good news is that I only gained half a pound, and I booked my ultrasound for November!! I will be almost 21 weeks, which means there is a good chance of finding the sex of the baby, perhaps without the added cost of the 4D scan (cha-CHING!).

I am thinking that I may want to change doctors though.. not saying that my current one isn't good, but I just don't know if I will get that relationship I would like to have with my doctor. My last one was GREAT, and I wish I could go see him again but it is too far to travel. I just feel that I have to ask too many questions, that certain things should be brought up by them and not me. I dunno. My next appointment is on a different day, which means I see someone different, and perhaps I will get a better feeling from him/her.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

10 weeks!

Week 10: Prune. Average fetus — 3.1 cm, 4 grams. With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)


I can't believe it has been 5 weeks already since we found out we were pregnant! Time has flown by... luckily I have been feeling better, not as much nausea (thank goodness!) and I think my energy is starting to come back. Just can't over do it, and have snacks available to avoid the icky feeling.

This coming Friday I go for my physical and I get to hear the heartbeat! I am so looking forward to that.. then I get to book my ultrasound! Hopefully by 18 or 19 weeks we will find out what we are having!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

9 weeks!

Week 9: Green olive. Average fetus — 2.3 cm, 2 grams. Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like... well... a baby!


I can't believe that I have known I am pregnant for already 4 weeks! Time has just flown by, faster than I expected for the second time around. I am looking forward to the first trimester being over, and hopefully feeling less nauseous and have some more energy. Maybe?!?

At the doctor's yesterday, they gave me a big folder full of information, samples and papers. Kind of a care package! There was a brochure all about the stages of your pregnancy with pictures of the embryo/fetus. I have seen these before of course, but when I came to the nine week one, I was shocked! It is really amazing how in like a week or so, it suddenly looks like a BABY and not, say, tadpole like! And how fast they change in a weeks time. 217 days to go!

Friday, August 17, 2007

First doctor visit...

This morning was my first pre-natal doctor visit and it was great!! It was really neat being back at that type of office, as I got the same butterflies as I did with Ben. I get to be here! I am ALLOWED to be here because I am preggers!!! Very cool feeling :D

Since we have just moved here, I don't have a family doctor close to me so I was referred to the Maternity Clinic and they were so nice there. The receptionist was such a doll, and I think I will really enjoy my doctor. He is a nice man, seems pretty soft spoken and gentle. Don't think he will be cracking any jokes quite yet, but as long as he takes care of me and my baby, then all is good!! It is just different to not have the same doctor I had the whole pregnancy with Ben.

My blood pressure was good, weight good (no tsk tsk's there!!) and even went to get my blood work done right afterwards to just get it over with! I go back in two weeks for my physical, book my ultrasound, and hear my babe's heartbeat!!! I am so excited about that.

Time is sure flying by with this pregnancy already. It seems like I just made the appointment for the clinic.. maybe having a crazy busy toddler and working might have something to do with that!!

Oh! And I also got the official A-OK that I can fly next month! I knew that it probably wouldn't have been a problem, but now I know that I can with ease! New York here I come!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

A gift!

A friend of mine mailed me a lovely little baby gift :) It is adorable and can't wait for my "spring chicken" to wear it in March!

Thanks Gillian!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Two months already!

Week 8: Raspberry. Average embryo — 1.6cm. Your baby is growing like mad, putting on about a millimeter every day and continuing to straighten out in the trunk. Though you can't feel it yet, baby is moving those little arms, legs and (now only slightly) webbed fingers and toes like crazy.

Things are moving along quickly! I feel pretty good, tired at times but have had a nice week (Ben has been at his Grandparents) to myself, doing things around the house. Mornings are a bit icky, but I know that I just have to get up and have a bite to eat before I feel sick. I don't look forward to brushing my teeth though.. not fun.

My clothes have already started to get snug around my mid-section, and have a bit of a bump growing. I guess things grow much faster seeing as I have already had a baby. Crazy... don't remember my body changing this much so quickly!

I go for my first pre-natal appointment on Friday morning and I am looking forward to it. I have some questions and hope that I like my new doctor. Once you go for your first appointment, things just start to feel that much more REAL! Then I can get the exact due date, book our ultrasound for around 20weeks and whatnot. Exciting!

I am so looking forward to feeling this little one move, and am really leaning for the pink team! I want a girl! Of course I will be happy with another little boy, but I really do feel this is a girl. Can't wait to find out what we are having :)

A couple weeks ago, we were looking at a new stroller (a sit and stand kind for Ben and the new baby) as they were on sale, got one, and was trying the infant carrier in it. Ben climbed into it, looked about 6 feet long in comparison to the car seat, and proudly said "Bay-bee"! It brought tears to my eyes.. he hasn't said "baby" in a while, but it was amazing that he just seemed to GET it. He is coming home today, and I can't wait to give him a big hug. And show him is new bedroom!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The cat is out of the bag... mostly!!

Week 7: Blueberry. Average embryo — 1.3cm
Baby's brain -- both hemispheres! -- is growing fast, generating about 100 new cells every minute. Arms and legs are emerging as joints start to form, and a permanent set of kidneys (baby's third!) is now in place.

Well we told the in-laws this weekend, and I feel much better now that they know :) Have lots of other people to inform yet, but they know!

I made Ben a t-shirt that says "big brother in training", and put it into a collage for one of those coffee tumblers for Mom (something that she has been wanting). We gave it to her after dinner, Ben helped her open it and then she was able to look at all the smiley faces of her grandson on it. Then she noticed THE picture! She read it aloud, then asked if he really IS a big brother in training! We nodded yes and then it was big hugs :) Now all feels right in the world that I can talk about it with Mom as she is such an important person on my life.

They leave tomorrow morning and are taking Ben with them for the week.. the timing couldn't be better! A week of relaxing and doing things around the house (and working of course!) will be very nice. Will miss the gaffer so very much, but will love him that much more when we see him on Saturday!!