Saturday, July 28, 2007

The excitement of finding out!

Week 6: Sweet Pea. Average embryo — .63cm
Growing like crazy, baby is starting to sprout eyes, ears, nose, cheeks and chin. Those little hands & feet- still webbed like paddles- might wiggle by week's end, the heart is beating (almost twice as fast as yours!), and blood is starting to circulate.

Having been sort of trying for about 6 months, and then every month finding out I wasn't pregnant, I had been focusing really hard to not think of "symptoms". A friend told me that sometimes when you don't feel pregnant, you probably are! Sure enough, I was. But I had been feeling REALLY tired, a huge sign, and just not like myself. Two days before my cycle was due, I took a test. Negative. The day of, I got up early to test. Another negative. Big *sigh*

I went back to look at the test, and ohmygoodness! 5 minutes later it was a big fat positive!

I took a picture of it on my cell phone and sent it to Mike (who was on his way to school). He said he received the picture and couldn't make out what it was. Keep in mind this is all before 6am! He handed his phone to his friend and said "What the heck is this?". Gavin looked at it and said "Dude. It's a pregnancy test. Congratulations!". Mike then called me back, and I was crying pretty hard at that point that he couldn't tell if I was happy or not!! I assured him that I was very, very excited.

After getting home late that night from work (and thinking about it all day, unable to concentrate!), I took another test and within a couple minutes it was positive. In fact, I went and looked at the first test I took and it was positive, too! Had I have waited a few more minutes I would have found out two days before!

Since having moved to a new city, I need a new doctor. I really wish that I could see the doctor I had with Ben, but it is too far to travel. I made an appointment at the Maternity Clinic for August 17th — my first prenatal check up!

Welcome to my pregnancy blog!

The Merriman's have another bun in the oven! We are so excited to be pregnant with our second child, a sister or a brother for Ben! Check back for updates :)