Monday, November 26, 2007

A photo at last!

Saturday night was Mike's Christmas party, so we got all dressed up :D The baby moved a LOT when the band was playing (yes, there was a band. Don't ask.), especially during YMCA. Funny! We'll hope it was simply because it was so loud in there.

Here I am at 23 weeks and the three of us!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

23 weeks

Week 23: Still a papaya! Feeling energetic and excited about the upcoming birth? If you find yourself dancing around the house with joy, your baby will hear the music and feel you sway, since his hearing and sense of movement are well developed now. He's also started blinking his eyelids. Once you reach this 24th week of pregnancy, your baby becomes "viable". This means that he has a chance of survival if born now. With each week that passes, he becomes more and more mature and better able to cope with the outside world.

I have been feeling regular movements now, at the same times of the day (or night!) and it is wonderful! I was awake last night for what felt like forever, just feeling the baby move! Same with this morning.. Mike can feel it all the time now, big hard kicks.

Tonight is Mike's Christmas party for work, and I am really looking forward to it. We get to stay overnight at the hotel (Granny and Grampa came to watch Ben! And the dogs!) and relax. And sleep in a king size bed! Then go for breakfast the next morning! And I won't have a hangover this year! LOL! The time is muchly needed for us though, and appreciated 100%! Thanks Mom and Dad! I will be sure to get a picture taken of me all glammed up :D

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I am 22 weeks and 5 days today. Today is November 22. I am due March 22. That is four months away! FOUR! Or less if the baby decides to come early.

I have a lot of stuff to do!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 22 check-up...

And we still don't know the gender! He looked (and I even drank half a can of 7-up to get the baby moving, which worked!) but it wasn't in the proper position. He said maybe by next visit he can tell more, as it will be even more developed. How great would that be? Find out a week before Christmas what we are having?!?

But everything else is A-OK. I gained just a pound and a half, BP was great, good pee! Dr. H said to keep up the good work! And the ultrasound results were perfect! Woot!

Nothing much to share, but I did record the heartbeat on my phone! A nice consistent 150 :)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

22 weeks

Week 22: Papaya. Your baby now looks like a miniature newborn, checking in up to 10 inches and almost 1 pound. Her skin will continue to appear wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out, and the fine hair (lanugo) that covers her head and body is now visible. Her lips are becoming more distinct, and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are developed, though the iris (the colored part of the eye) still lacks pigment. Eyelids and eyebrows are in place, and her pancreas, essential for hormone production, is developing steadily.


I like all the *her references above! As my mother-in-law says, we should just start calling her by name!

Things are moving along! I am not 5.5 months, and feeling pregnant more than ever. My hips are already starting to get quite sore, and the waddle is settling in because of it. Oh well, the nausea has gone away for the most part, and I only get bits of heartburn when I go to bed (from laying down).

Good news is that Mike felt the baby move on this week! That was very exciting.. I am sure he could have felt it before, but we never had the time to sit down and try. It was a nice big kick, that he said made his hand move! It seems to be a quiet baby, I don't think it is quite as active as Ben was at this stage. That might be a good thing! Looking back at how busy Ben was in my tummy, sure does show how it relates to their personality now! Oy vey!

Monday is my doctor appointment. We will discuss the ultrasound results, etc, and see if he can see the baby's gender on his machine. I think this time I am going to drink a Coke before going in. Gotta get this baby moving! Would love to be able to go back for another scan...

Will get a photo taken this weekend :D

Sunday, November 11, 2007

21 weeks (and one day!)

Weeks 21-24 (Month 5): Papaya. Average size — 26.7 to 30 cm, 360 to 600 grams. Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.

Now that things are moving along in the pregnancy, the updates get jumbled more into the months instead of the weeks. But we have made it to Papaya stage! I laughed this morning when I read that the nips are sprouting.. I shouted to Mike (and the baby probably heard!) that our daughter's boobies are starting to sprout! He countered me by saying "Oh ya, our boy is getting boobs?". Maybe he said pecks. But either way he is still on the blue team!

Feeling movements more and more now, and funny little jabs. Yesterday I felt a small one from the outside of my belly, so it's just a matter of time before Mike can share in this cool experience once again! Being closer to Christmas, my stress levels have been increasing, but thanks to a great hubbie I am trying to not let it get to me. Financial issues + Christmas just aren't fun. Not at all. Can I hope for a miracle?!?

Friday, November 9, 2007

The ultrasound.. dum dum DUM!

Well, the ultrasound is done. And..... we don't know what we are having! A baby obviously, but they decided to be stubborn the whole visit and not show us the bits. And when I say stubborn, I mean it! I had to lay on my back, then my side, my back again, my side. Walk around in the hallway, jump up and down, back, then side.. and that was all to just get the basic measurements of the heart and whatnot! The baby was laying on it's stomach basically and not wanting to flip over!

When Mike was allowed in, the technician went over everything and showed us the baby together, saw it stretching, opening it's mouth, moving hands/fingers.. very cool. Then when she moved down to the nether region, surprise surprise! The legs were crossed. They would open slightly, then snap shut! Then repeat. I think she tried for what felt like 10 minutes! She said that it looked like a girl sometimes, then a boy so she couldn't be sure. I personally saw girly bits, but who knows.

I go for my doctor appointment on the 19th, so we'll see what he sees on his machine, and whether or not he needs me to go again (please please please!).

Overall it was a humorous day, and something to remember and share in the future! I am happy that it's healthy and growing (heartrate was 148!) and looks cute as a button :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tomorrow is the day..

It's more exciting than Christmas!

Of course it's all I could think about all day, this and my mum. I know she is rooting for me! My Grandma called me this morning, wishing me luck. She is so anxious to find out what we are having ("We didn't have this kind of technology when I was having babies!"). And the girls at work were all super excited yesterday when I went in — "Is tomorrow the day we find out if we are having a girl!?" Yes WE! LOL! It's nice to know so many people care so much about this baby and us!

I am not sure if I am going to get much sleep tonight, thinking about seeing the little one in further detail on the screen. And for Mike to see, too! Getting a picture or two or three to share! I know everything is fine, that it's all healthy and growing and whatnot, but the butterflies are from excitement — that and now I am getting DEFINITE jabs!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

20 weeks!!! Five months!!!

Week 20: Cantaloupe. Average fetus — 16.4 cm, 300 grams. Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!


Now that is what I like to hear — baby's genitals are now fully formed! LOL!! Which means when we go for our ultrasound on Friday we will almost be guaranteed to find out who is growing inside me! So excited!

I felt the baby move the most yesterday, very exciting. When I don't feel it for a period of time, I just have to tell myself that it is still early yet and in a couple weeks (or sooner!) I will be REALLY able to feel movements. Then Mike will be able to feel it.. that will be so great. Hopefully it isn't shy :D Ben sure wasn't!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

19 weeks and 5 days..

Took this picture of myself in the bathroom mirror yesterday. Belly is a growing! Ben is so cute about it now.. he is lifting my shirt up more and more, saying "baby!" and giving kisses & pats.

8 days until the ultrasound!!! I don't think I am going to be able to sleep the night before!