Monday, February 25, 2008

36 weeks (and 2 days!)

Your baby is still gaining weight -- about an ounce/ 28 grams a day. She weighs nearly 6 pounds/ 2.7 kilograms and is 19 inches/ 45 centimetres long from head to toe.

You may begin to feel an increased pressure in your lower abdomen and notice that your baby is gradually dropping. Your lungs and stomach will finally get a chance to stretch out a little — breathing and eating should become easier. However, walking may become increasingly uncomfortable — some women say it feels as if the baby is going to fall out. Also, you may still feel as if you need to go to the loo all the time.

The good news is that by the end of this week, your pregnancy will be full-term and you could give birth any day now. (Babies between 37 and 42 weeks are considered full-term -- a baby born before 37 weeks is premature and after 42 is post-term.) At your weekly visit, your doctor or midwife may check to see if you've started dilating (when the cervix opens) and effacing (when the cervix thins). The doctor or midwife will also check what position the baby is in, in order to estimate how far the baby has dropped into the pelvis. This information will be entered into your maternity notes so that your midwife in hospital will know the position of the baby when you go into labour.


Well my Honeydew is in the homestretch! It still moves a TON! Aren't they supposed to be slowing down!? Not this chickpea. No siree.

Walking is getting more and more difficult. Picking up Ben is getting more and more difficult. Bending over is getting more and more difficult. Mike snickered at me last night as I had to bend down to pick something up.. spread the legs, brace myself on counter/hand on knee, deep breath and PLUNGE! Back up. Breathe. Ugh.

Before bed last night I packed my bag (as much as I can right now). I should be getting the new diaper bag today that I ordered and then I can get baby's things ready. The clothes are in the dresser, others are hung up and the closet cleaned out. Just need to hang the blind/curtains in there and a few minor things. Vacuum and mop one more time. And I get my hair done on Thursday evening.. must make it to that before the little one arrives!! Very important!

I am thinking of getting the cradle out soon and putting it in our bedroom, getting Ben prepared mostly!

Friday night I ended up having to go to the hospital quickly to get checked out. While having a snack with Ben, I started to not be able to focus on the newspaper I was reading, and seeing spots. Then a headache started. I called Mike and he was on his way home (as fast as he could in rush hour!). Called the clinic and the doctor there said to go get checked out.. I knew it could be a sign of high blood pressure (which I have never had) and possibly pre-eclampsia. But all is well, they said to go back in if it happens again. I had the same lovely nurse (Comfort!) so that was nice. I hope I have her for the BIG EVENT! She thinks it's a girl, too :D

Here is a peek at the cabinet we put up above the change table, and my belly shot from last night — complete with dramatic lighting!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I guess it is bound to happen..

I went to the store last night (Shoppers Drug Mart to be exact!) and while looking at the baby aisle, stocking up on last minute items for the baby's room and diaper bag, a store employee asked me if I needed help finding anything. "Nope! Just looking right now!" She then gave me the oh-my-look-at-that-belly look as she glanced downwards and said "Well you must be due any day now!"

Nope. 4 more weeks.

LOL.. I think she felt better when I told her it was my second. She then asked me if we knew what we were having. Nope. It won't show the goods. "Oh it's a girl then!"

We'll see!

Monday, February 18, 2008

35 weeks! And 33 days to go!

Your baby now weighs about 5.25 pounds/ 2.4 kilograms and measures approximately 18 inches/ 45 cm from head to toe. His elbow, foot or head may protrude from your stomach when he stretches and squirms about. Soon, as the wall of your uterus and your abdomen stretch thinner and let in more light, your baby will begin to develop daily activity cycles.

This week, your little one is now sporting fingernails and has a fully developed pair of kidneys. His liver can also process some waste products.

There's much less amniotic fluid and much more baby in your uterus, which has expanded to a thousand times its original size. You've probably put on between 25 and 30 pounds/ 11 and 13.6 kilograms and your weight gain has hit its peak. Even your belly button has got bigger and has popped outward. You may be feeling breathless now that the top of your uterus is up under your ribs. Try getting down on all fours to take deeper breaths. Although the pressure on your bladder will make the bathroom your second home, don't drink any less water — your baby needs the fluids. But you may like to cut down on diuretic drinks like tea and coffee, which will make you have to urinate even more often.

Less than 5 weeks to go... 33 days until the official due date, but it feels right around the corner! I am feeling very anxious and excited to meet this little person! I want to know who you are!

My doctors appointment this morning went well, am having to walk slower, getting some pains/cramps occasionally. I lost a pound in the past two weeks.. hurrah! Totally thought I would have gained. The baby is looking great though. Not fully dropped, but head is down and not breach! On the ultrasound we could see the baby sucking it's thumb and swallowing. So cute! I go back in two weeks and he will check me then, unless something happens sooner!

And soon I will be able to post pictures of the nursery! Trying to get it more complete before the big reveal :)

Sunday, February 10, 2008

34 weeks!

Week 34: Your baby now weighs more than 4.7 pounds / 2.2 kilograms and is 18 inches / over 45 centimetres from top to toe. She's filling out and getting rounder -- she'll need her fat layers later to regulate her body temperature.

Less than six weeks until my due date! 41 days! I am finally starting to feel more relaxed about everything, mostly because we have finished painting the nursery! WOOT! It looks WONDERFUL. I am so in love with that room, the nice painted furniture.. everything! It was a very busy week though. Ben was at Mom and Dad's, so we had to get a lot done (and it was way more work than anticipated). I kept having to tell myself though that the end result would be soooooo worth it. And it is!

Last night we put the crib in there (with Ben's help!) and I puttered around, hanging up clothes and what not. Not ready to post any pictures yet though.. waiting until I get the blind/curtains hung, some artwork and whatnot, and finish it a bit more. Soon! And soon we will have a wee one in there!

Baby is still moving around so much, making my whole belly move and dance! It responds to my touch, and to Mike & Ben. It's also been getting hiccups more and more.. that feels so funny. Just in the last couple days I have felt a bit of Braxton Hicks, but very very minor. It's starting to drop, but not fully "engaged" yet! Just the stong movements and kicks/pushes I get take my breath away!

Friday afternoon/evening I met up with Kerry and we drove down to Bellingham to do some shopping. It was awesome. Bought some really cute gender neutral clothes (and some girly of course — I can hope!) at GREAT prices. It was baby week everywhere we went! I love sales on kids clothes.. Still have a few more things to get, but the list is getting shorter!

Don't forget to submit your guesses on the baby's arrival!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Doctor's Update...

Back from the doctor's visit.. all is well! Have gained a couple more pounds, which brings the total to 20 pounds exactly so far. I am happy with that! Much less than I gained with Ben.

Heart rate was about 140, BP perfect and baby looking all snug! Mom was pretty tickled to hear it/see it :D Doctor's prediction is a baby bigger than Ben (didn't say how much bigger!), just because I am producing more insulin, but not diabetic. I just have to watch what I eat, because the more I gain, the bigger the baby gets. Which is hard because I feel hungry most of the time.. like now. Breakfast part deux?!

Now we start the every 2 week appointments! Time is ticking by...

33 weeks, 2 days

Week 33: Honeydew! Average size: 43.7cm/17.2in long from top to toe. Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

Well here I am! 33 weeks, 47 days until my due date!! Things are going pretty smoothly though.. sleeping is getting trickier. I am able to still sleep through the night without having to go pee (unless Ben wakes up — then I must go!) but it's the rolling over that is difficult. Hips are sure feeling it. Using my body pillow helps, but I find it then gets tossed aside once I am asleep, and then Mike has even less room in the bed! He so lovingly named it Glen. I have NO idea why. Why couldn't it be.. Jude? Hugh? Clive?!?

And here are the recent belly shots from Friday/Saturday. I some strange expression on my face in the bottom one, so you literally get a belly shot. Nice and round, non!? Love it.

The nursery is coming along! I finished the dresser this weekend (Looks LOVELY in a fresh clean coat of 'Pot of Cream'.. mmm!) and got the change pad attached to the other little chest for a change station. Ben is going to his grandparents this week, and it's our time to finish the room!! Mike has a bunch of work to do on the ceiling (pushing in a few nails that are showing their ugly faces, patching, sanding and painting) and the mouldings need patching, sanding, caulking and painting, too. By far the biggest pet peeve of the house since we bought it is how unfinished it was left for so long. Why people?!? At least the end result looks that much better!

Baby is still moving a ton.. big, hard, very noticeable movements! Sometimes I swear it feels like it's trying to poke through the skin. Lots of pressure. She/He is a mover! I go to my 33 week appointment this morning (and my mom-in-law is coming!) so we'll see how much it's grown, if it's in position, etc. Sure feels like it. Get twinges down low every so often.. no braxton hicks yet, but I am sure they will be coming. I also get to discuss the results from my 3hour test with Dr. H.

Got my newborn girl outfit, and will get a boy one on Friday at Target for the coming home outfit! Mom and I went shopping yesterday and there were SO many cute girls clothes, it was very hard to control myself. So instead I looked like the weirdo lecturing my belly "If you just told us what you are, D, then see how many pretty clothes and toys you could have?!"! Just means for more shopping when the day arrives!!

Oh! And I added an Online Baby Pool feature to the sidebar (the ugly graphic!).. Take a guess!!